Moisturized. In her lane. Flourishing. Tuesday protects her peace. She's intentional about where and how she invests herself and her time. You can't pour from an empty cup, after all, and Tuesday never lets her cup run low.
moroccan mint, jasmine tea, guava, basil, ginger, gunpowder tea, coconut water, eucalyptus, vetiver
do not disturb. saunas. teahouses. solo travel.
healthy boundaries. new hobbies. forest bathing. awe-inspiring hydration levels.
getting added back to groupchats.
Monday's not bossy: she's just the boss. Focused and capable, ambitious and accomplished, Monday's eyes are always on the prize.
6:00 AM? She's just started her cardio. 9:00 PM? On the phone with international investors. Is Monday all work and no play? Let's just say that for Monday, play is playing to win.
bergamot, lavender, lemon zest, black tea, steamed milk, iso-e super, sandalwood, vanilla, amber
theory blazers. coffee shops with strong wifi. forbes 30 under 30.
résumé whisperer. meticulous color coding. flawless blowouts.
meetings that could have been emails. baggy tailoring. group projects. decaf.
Comfort is an art, and Sunday is an artisan. Like a self-care magpie, she carefully constructs a cozy nest of weighted blankets, sheet masks, and scented candles, fashioning her favorite treats and rituals into a formidable pillow fortress- one that you're always welcome inside.
matcha tea, rice milk, cinnamon, maté absolute, cardamom, coconut, amber, sandalwood, vanilla
cat cafés. plant nurseries. Great British Bake Off marathons.
bubble baths (her bath bomb collection is unparalleled). book clubs. girl dinner.
mean-spirited reality shows. rough textures. minor changes to routines. puppies wearing "do not pet" vests.
It's not a party until Saturday walks through the door. Can't find her? Check the middle of the dance floor- look for the brightest lipstick and the highest heels.
There's always room for two under Saturday's spotlight: she's the ultimate hypewoman, making you feel as confident and glamorous as she is.
passion fruit, grapefruit, rhubarb, saffron, cardamom, magnolia, sandalwood, vanilla, suede
karaoke booths. drag shows. jumpsuits. Ruby Woo.
bathroom mirror pep talks. exceptional DJ requests. coordinating Ubers for an entire groupchat (plus five new Bathroom Besties).
neutral colors. her signature body shimmer being discontinued. bad tippers (Saturday has a reputation to uphold with her favorite bartenders and nail techs).
Clocking out early to chase the sunset as far west as the gas tank can take you? Very Friday. Crashing a gallery opening by pretending to be the artist? Very Friday. Getting kicked out of gallery openings? Very Friday.
Spontaneous, carefree, endearingly chaotic, no one's first choice of catsitter. (God help Mr. Whiskers if ticket prices to Istanbul drop low enough.)
bergamot, honeysuckle, sweet pea, bartlett pear, grapefruit blossom, bitter orange, mimosa, white cedar
sundresses. rental convertibles. small plane flying lessons.
charming anyone into anything. roadtrip playlist curation. remembering to call the catsitter only two hours after takeoff. exceptional taste in catsitter souvenirs.
advance notice. routine. wimpy houseplants that can't handle a little neglect (okay, constant abandonment).
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